Just The Empress Unleashes A Powerful Tribute with “Hypnotized”

Atlanta artist Just The Empress invites listeners into a very vulnerable and hypnotic journey with her latest release, “Hypnotized.” This track is more than a song, as it serves as a tribute to BDPSoundz, a producer who shaped the immersive and hypnotic sound. Through the seductive beat and Just The Empress’ mesmerizing flow, “Hypnotized” captures the essence of raw energy and individuality. 

The song was originally recorded in 2022 at TopShelf Studios with just a hook. The verses were freestyled by Just The Empress in one take, showcasing a raw, spontaneous, and unfiltered energy. After sitting on the song for two years before this upcoming 2025 release, Just The Empress wanted to return to “Hypnotized” to refine the sound. 

BDPSoundz, a significant figure in Atlanta's underground music scene, created the hypnotic production sound. Unfortunately, he passed before the official release of the song, making references in “Hypnotized” a true homage to his contribution.

With music featured on Hulu, Netflix, and BET, Just The Empress is establishing a distinct identity with shows and experiences reflecting her journey. "Hypnotized" is a courageous proclamation of autonomy, illustrating that true artistry is more about resilience and storytelling and authenticity than following the trends.

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Website: https://www.mukonii.com/just-the-empress

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