Perpetuate The Struggle Releases Passionate Ballad "Mom (Hard Rock)"

Loss, grief, and survival become dominant in Perpetuate The Struggle’s new release, “Mom (Hard Rock.” Born in Lexington, America, the work is an incredibly intimate tribute to a boundary-shattering, genre-defying sound. Perpetuate The Struggle is distinguished through its experimental mix of AI-generated sound and AI-generated and human-written lyrics, creating a raw, unprocessed sound that sets new dimensions.

“Mom (Hard Rock)” is an exercise in individual loss a heart-breakingly introspective reflection regarding the loss of the artist’s mom. There’s a palpable gravity in the song, welcoming one into an intimate, almost confessional atmosphere. The hurt, desire, and acceptance in its lyrics speak for everyone who’s ever experienced hurt in the loss of one whom one cherished.

However, this is not a conventional ballad in any form at all. Perpetuate The Struggle tests its sound, and the song dynamically jumps between its contrasting sections. With a rock-infused melody in its verses, through a surprising but electrifying mental break, "Mom (Hard Rock)" is a genre-transcending ride that is both intimate and unpredictably exciting.

A defining feature of Perpetuate The Struggle is its use of AI-designed instrumentation and voice work. As intimate and human as ever, the lyrics, yet AI-powered production unlock doors to limitless creation, with the artist having the freedom to record anywhere, anytime. In its unorthodox practice, a sound both futuristic and emotionally authentic, closing gaps between technology and untroubled humanity, is produced.

The track’s conclusion comes in a metal-infused crescendo, and one cannot but crave more. It’s a bold statement, one that intimates that the artist can produce even darker, even louder works in the future.

“Mom (Hard Rock)” is not simply a song, but a deeply intimate dedication, an aural journey of experimentation, and a consideration of artistic innovation. Whatever one feels for its loss, or simply for its edge-pushing intensity, one single deserves a listener’s ear and invites them into an actual, unmediated emotional space.

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